Does my child need Cricket experience?
No, your child does not need any previous cricket experience. We originally created these sessions to appeal to beginners and to get new people excited about Cricket. We care deeply about creating a positive impression of the sport to all of the children that join us.
Do we need any equipment?
Absolutely not. We provide everything that you need.
Do we need to book?
We recommend that you book to guarantee your place but it is not essential. You can just turn up on the night or you can contact us before hand via Facebook or the contact info at the bottom of this page if you would like to ask any questions.
What do we do during each session?
The sessions are largely game based. We include various games that are designed to develop a variety of Cricket related skills. We can do anything from dodgeball to develop throwing, diving on crash mats to develop diving/catching and Cricket specific games to develop bowling and ball striking.
Do I need to stay and watch?
You can but you don't have to. The sessions last 90 minutes, so if you need to go off and do something else to pass the time you can. All you need to do is complete a consent form, which you can do online or at the venue.
How will i know if the session is on?
Our timetable is available at all times on the ‘cricket’ page, just click the calendar icon at the top. We also send a weekly email confirming each session. Facebook is also updated regularly, so worth keeping your eye on too.

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