Our Summer Holiday dates are now available.
Cricket (Links to book are at bottom of this post)
Tue 27 July, Fri 30 July, Tue 3 August, Fri 6 August, Tue 10 August, Fri 13 August, Tue 17 August, Fri 20 August, Tue 24 August. Multi Sports Thu 29 July, Thu 5 August, Thu 12 August
All of the days will be located at Astwood Bank Cricket Club from 9am - 3pm. (We will have the option to move to AUHQ if weather is bad)
These days are for children aged 5-13 (Reception - Year 8)
We have the option to buy a 'Golden Ticket' which gives you guaranteed access to all of the 12 days. All Golden Tickets purchased will go into a prize draw and the winner will win the entire summer programme for FREE.
There are 2 further discount options (Available until 1st June)
Early Bird - 10% off
Buy 4 Days Get 1 Day Free