We just wanted to thank everyone who has been attending our Class Cricket sessions both at Astwood Bank First School on Friday Evenings and at Aston Fields Middle School on Wednesday evenings.
The concept of delivering these sessions was initially to tackle the lack of Cricket provision for children in the 5-9 age range and to also help to continue children's Cricket development during the winter months.
I heard recently that less than 2% of children in the age range regard Cricket as their favourite sport which, frankly, is not a surprise when you witness how little Cricket is being played at First / Primary Schools and also when you witness how horrendously boring Cricket can be made to be for children in this age range when it is delivered. Our Class Cricket game can change that statistic and we have already seen in many schools the impact that an exciting Cricket game can have on a child's interest in the sport. It is our mission to ensure that as many children as possible can experience the game to give them a positive experience rather than one where they barely get a chance to be involved and are lost to the sport forever.
Childrens needs are the same as anyone else's, they want to be involved all of the time and want to have a challenge with a realistic chance of achieving success.
Since starting the Astwood Bank session back at the beginning of November we have been delighted to see numbers growing each week, but far more importantly we have been amazed at the staggering progress that each of the children have made over those weeks. So much so that we are already in the process of designing a Class Cricket #2 game to ensure that the children are tested even further but also sticking to our main principal of inclusion at all times to keep the children engaged and developing skills.
We are still in the early stages over in Bromsgrove and we have been delighted to see such a super group of youngsters attending who are all determined to learn and improve. I'm sure we will very soon be reporting the same levels of development with this group too.
We hope to be starting 1 or possibly 2 more Class Cricket sessions in the county very soon but are just finding the most suitable venue's to ensure that we can offer a great session.
If anyone has any questions about Class Cricket or would like to contact us for any reason just email ausported@gmail.com