Maintaining Possession & Build Up Play
Maintaining Possession & Build Up Play
The aim of the session is to maintain possession of the ball from the opposition team. The possession teams will outnumber the defending players/teams for much of the session and gradually build to become more of an even battle.
Look for a teammate who is in a good space. We are looking for easy possession to ease pressure on our team, minimise risk taking during this session.
The press is also a feature of this session which can be worked on. Intensity is key to keep pressure on the possession team to keep on moving the ball.
Activity 1:
Kingpin Football Game
10 mins
Teaching Points:

Target Play v Counter Attack
Activity 2:
20 mins
Teaching Points:
- Press the ball and mark players as a counter team out of Posession.
- As a posession team, move into spaces to be available for passes. Play passes when an opportunity presents itself.
- play passes to players that will have options when they receive the ball

Activity 3:
Win Your Team - Possession v Pressing Drill
15 mins
Mark out a football pitch, doesn't have to be big, you could play this on half a 5 a-side pitch
Split your group into teams - You ideally want around 5 or 6 players per team
Each team should have a captain to choose who starts on the pitch and who enters the pitch each time your team achieve the set number of passes.
Start the game with 2 players on the pitch per team
Select a number of passes that your team will have to make before the next player enters (3 for low ability and 5 for high ability is about right)
Start the game with a drop ball
The coach (or captains) should count the number of passes out loud, captains to send the next player in when needed
As soon as you have 'won' every player on your team and they are all on the pitch playing, you are allowed to score a goal. The other team continues to try to win the ball back and make more passes. The first team to score, gets the point and then you reset the game with 2 new players starting the game
Teaching Points:
Pressing the Ball:
The player nearest the ball carrier should close their space down
Decelerate when approaching the ball carrier and look for a mistake or miscontrol to pounce on in order to make a tackle
If you are not the one nearest the ball carrier, you should close down/mark the nearest player in your territory so they can't accept a pass easily
Reactions are key. A split second of switching off, not reacting, sulking because you got tackled, being half hearted with your effort will cost you dearly in this game!