Dodgeball Games
Ball Skills
Activity 1:
Body Parts Game - Football Dribbling
10 mins
Mark out an area to play in - enough space for your players to be able to dribble the ball around quickly in
Each player has a football
Players dribble the ball around the area using their feet
The coach calls out a body part and the children have to stop their ball and place that body part on the ball
You can make it competitive and give a point to the first player to stop it with the correct body part
Teaching Points:
Use different parts of the feet to dribble the ball (inside, outside & bottom of foot)
Use gentle kicks/touches of the ball to keep the ball close to you as you dribble
Keep your head up as much as you can to see obstacles such as other people and their footballs

Catch the Fish
Activity 2:
15 mins
- Mark out an area, which will be the lake/ocean
- On the outside of the area, you need a hoop or a spot for each player or team
- Inside the area, you need to spread out lots of cones - these are the 'fish'
- Each group will then need a ball
- Players take it in turns to roll or pass the ball (if you're doing football, they use their foot to kick the ball) in to the middle of the area trying to get the ball to hit a cone
- If the ball hits a cone 'fish', they get to pick up the cone as they collect their ball and bring it back to their spot 'fishing net'
- Play until all the fish have been caught
- Team with the most fish wins the game
Teaching Points:
- Depends on the type of game you are doing
- (FOOTBALL) - Use the inside of your foot to strike the ball
- Look at the ttarget you are trying to hit before you kick the ball
- (ROLLING) - Bring your arm back straight and then follow through straight as you release the ball
- Balls
- Cones
- Spots/Hoops

Activity 3:
10 mins
Mark out a long rectangle with a norrow end zone at each end, and enough space behind the sidelines for canonball throwers to throw from
All players are to line up on one of the end zones
Choose one player to be the canonballer. Their job is to throw the dodgeballs at the players when they run across the area. They must throw the balls from outside the sidelines!
At the start of the game, the coach is to call out different instructions for the players to cross, such as 'anyone wearing a red t-shirt' or 'anyone whose birthday is in January, February or March' etc.
Anyone that is called out in those instructions has to try and cross to the other side. If they get there, they have to stay there until all players have had the chance to cross.
If a player is hit by a dodgeball, they join the canonballer and get themselves a dodgeball.
When everyone has had the chance to cross, repeat the process back to the other side.
The game continues until everyone has been eliminated. The final player to be eliminated is the winner.
Teaching Points: