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Cops & Robbers
Cops & Robbers
Children will be challenged to move in different ways and have to travel at speed and dodge at the same time. Children will also participate in fitness challenges
Activity 1:
Roll the Dice
15 mins
- Set up 6 hoops around the edge of the room spread out
- Each hoop should be given a number 1-6
- You'll also need a dice - one of the large foam ones works well
- Everyone in the group is then asked to move about around the room - using different movements (jog, hop, jump etc)
- Then call out a magic word - the participants can choose what the word is
- When the magic word is called, everyone has to get to a hoop within 5 seconds
- Once they're all in the hoops - roll the dice
- You can either play where - players in the hoop it lands on are out of the game, players in the correct hop score a point or players not in the correct hoop have to do a forefeit like a fitness challenge
Teaching Points:
- Can you travel using good posture and technique
- Can you listen for the magic word and decide which hoop to get to quickly
- Hoops
- Large Foam Dice
Cops & Robbers
Activity 2:
20 mins
Teaching Points:

Activity 3:
Empire Dodgeball
10 mins
Teaching Points:

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