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The Class Cricket Project

We are delighted to be launching our brand new Class Cricket Project.

This project is aimed at transforming the way that Cricket is first experienced by 5-9 year olds. We believe that this project can help to bring participation levels up in Cricket at this age range with our adapted Cricket game. The game brings excitement and opportunities to everyone who plays the game. We remove all of the negative aspects of Cricket and pack it full of everything that is great about the game. Children love it and so do the teachers and coaches who have been involved.

The Class Cricket game is best played in a School Sports Hall with 30 children but can be adapted to be played with as little as 4 children and can be played outdoor too. We need children to experience playing Cricket in a positive way, with a fair opportunity to succeed and learn, in order to encourage and retain their participation. We need children to be more active and to enjoy their PE in order to help encourage them to remain active and healthy.

On average, in comparison to more traditional methods of playing Cricket with this age range, children have the opportunity to hit the ball 300% more and have a 600% better chance of contributing when fielding. The fast paced game keeps every player fully engaged and provides much more opportunity to develop skills. We have already had an incredible response from the School classes that we have played this game with and look forward to playing it with many more.

Each game lasts between 40-60 minutes and is perfect for Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 children.

If your school or club would like to be involved in the Class Cricket Project you can email or call Pete on 07855887563 to express your interest and we will contact you with more details.

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