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Tagging Games

Tagging Games

Children will learn how to be effective at both attacking and defending in basic tagging games and also learn how to communicate with others without necessarily using words

Activity 1:

Heads & Tails

10 mins


Teaching Points:


Knee Tap

Activity 2:

5 mins


  1. Pair children with a partner

  2. The aim of the game is to tap your partner on the knee and avoid them from tagging you on the knee back

  3. You get a point for tapping their knee

  4. The player with the most points at the end of the alloted time wins.

  5. Players must face each other at all times (you cannot turn your back on your partner or run away)

  6. For safety: Make sure you advise children to bend their knees and not from the waist, in order to stop their heads from clashing when they get close.

Teaching Points:


  • You may need to mark out a safe space to play in if indoor but no equipment needed to play the game

Activity 3:

Toe Tap

5 mins


  1. Partner your children (a group of 3 can work if needed)

  2. Stand opposite your partner facing one another about 1 step apart

  3. Bend your knees to get low (like a sumo position)

  4. Your aim is to tap your partners toes and avoid being tagged back on the toes by them

  5. You get a point for any tag that you make

  6. Player with the most points at the end of the alloted time wins

  7. If in a group of 3, have 1 player referee a best of 5 game and then they play the winner

  8. Players must face each other at all times (no turning and running away)

  9. Players must stay on their feet and bend at the knees to avoid head collisions

Teaching Points:


  • None

Activity 4:

Pairs Fox & Farmers

10 mins


Teaching Points:


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