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Shooting (Indoor)


Players will be able to strike the ball with their laces with power and accuracy

Activity 1:

Football Shooting

20 Mins


Teaching Points:


4 Way Football

Activity 2:

20 Mins


  1. Mark out a playing area with 4 goals, one in each corner of the area (you can add more goals or have less goals depending on your group size.

  2. Select four teams of around 3-6 players in each team

  3. Teams are to sit directly behind their goals and far enough back from their goal that they won't be hit by the ball when it hits the net.

  4. Each player in each team should be numbered from 1 up to 3 or 6 depending on how many are in the team.

  5. The coach calls out a number 'ONE!'

  6. All of the number 1's then come out a play against one another

  7. The aim is to be the last player standing

  8. Players are eliminated if a goal is scored in their teams goal

  9. When you have one player left, they are the winner and the coach then restarts the game with another number

  • You can add multiple footballs to speed up the game or to help get more players involved in the game

  • You can either award a point to the winning player (easier to count), or you can give 4 points to the winner, 3 to the runner up, 2 to third place and 1 to fourth place (a bit hard to keep track of but does add more incentive to all players)

  • Call out multiple numbers at the same time so players can work together as a team

Good acitivity for a group with a variety of abilities or age as you can number players to play against other players of a similar age/ability.

Teaching Points:

  • Be proactive: look for opportunities to attack when you can. Seek out the ball and use skill to beat your opponents and score
  • Defensive positioning: keep in mind where your goal is for defending purposes and try to get yourself between the ball carrier and your goal when necessary


  • 4 Goals (Benches or cones may do)

  • Footballs

  • Bibs

Activity 3:


Teaching Points:


Activity 4:


Teaching Points:


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