Tighten Up Your Lines
Tighten Up Your Lines
Early season outdoor practice to sharpen up players early season with their bowling lines and tight batting.
Activity 1:
Overhead Catching Levels - Fielding Drill
10 mins
Whenm you field as an infielder, you often get a variety of different types of catch during games. We most often practice catches where the batter has hit the ball straight to us, which is fairness is fairly common. However, we often get balls that are hit high in the air and slightly over our heads. These balls are often dropped as they are practiced less frequently.
For this drill, mark out levels of cones. In this drill, the easiest level will be the one furthest away from the coach/feeder.
The fielder starts on that furthest cone (level 1). The feeder hits or throws a high catch to the fielder, aiming for the ball to drop on the cones at level 1. If the fielder catches the ball they get to move up to the next level, which is closer to the feeder.
For the next turn, the feeder is still aiming the throw high and to land on the cones at level 1. This means the fielder will have to back pedal from level 2 to make the catch.
If caught, the fielder again moves closer to the feeder. Each time they move closer, they will have to be quicker to move backwards to catch the ball. If they drop the ball, that can be the end of their turn and the next player has a go. Start again back at level 1 each time.
Teaching Points:

Bayliss Game - Fielding Drill
Activity 2:
10 mins
This is a fantastic fielding drill to keep your fielders alert, active and sharp.
You'll need 2 single stumps set out like a pitch, the length of the pitch will vary depending on the age group you're working with. Young kids will need a small length pitch to keep the drill at a high intensity.
The fielders will need to be set out with 2 fielders on the off side and 2 fielders on the leg side. The coach can roll the ball out to any of the fielders, that fielders will attack the ball as the coach calls out either the bowlers end or keepers end. The fielder shy's at the stump. The fielders on the opposite side need to be backing up the throw.
Anticipation and being organised is key for being successful in this game as you dont want the ball to be thrown and not backed up!
Once the ball has been backed up, the coach should call out another end and the person that fielded it throws at that stump, the fielders on the other side have to back up again.
The play ends either when their is a direct hit, or the coach gets the player to throw the ball into the glove
Teaching Points:
- When backing up, stick to your end. You don't need to back up both sets of stumps, you should only need to back up one of the stumps. Your fielding partner can cover the other stump
- Move early! You should be thinking about your next move, when the ball is on your side! As soon as you hear the call from the coach about where your throw is going, you shoudl have an idea of the angle of the return throw regardless of that call

Activity 3:
4th Stump Leave Challenge
70 mins
This drill is for the batters and bowlers to work together in practice.
Set up a 4th stump and maybe a 5th stump (outside off stump) alongside the normal stumps at the batting end.
The aim is for the bowlers to bowl a 4th stump line and for the batters to practice leaving the ball on that line (it may mean that they don't play some half volleys, which we in no way encourage them to do, but the drill is about reading line, so leaving them alone is encouraged in this drill)
If the bowler hits the 4th or 5th stump and the batter leaves the ball, the coaches have to complete a fitness forfeit as an incentive to the players.
Alongside this challenge, we also offer challenges for the batter and for the bowler;
- If the batter hits the ball straight back past the bowler out of the net without being stopped by the bowler, all of the bowlers have to do 20 star jumps
- If the bowler bowls the batter out, all of the batters have to sprint 5 runs
Teaching Points:
- The drill is about reading the line of the ball and judging what line is dangerous enough to have to play and what is dangerous but safe enough to leave.
- Take your guard! Get to know where your stumps are
- If you get a full straight ball, pounce on it and drive it straight
- Bowlers, target that 4th stump corridor.