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Underarm & Overarm Throwing

Underarm & Overarm Throwing

Children will be able to perform both an underarm and overarm throw using correct technique to make throws more accurate

Activity 1:


10 mins


Teaching Points:



Activity 2:

10 mins


Teaching Points:


Activity 3:

Coconut Shy - Ball Throwing Game

10 mins


  1. Set up your group in small teams
  2. Each team should have a starting cone where they should take it in turns to throw the ball from (they always throw from here)
  3. They should also have a stump which should start quite close to their starting cone in front of them (approx 2m away)
  4. There should then be a cone marker at (2m) intervals behind the stump. Lay approx 5 cones in a line, 2m apart for each team - these are the levels of difficulty, as each one is further away
  5. When a player hits the stumps with a throw, they get to move their stump back to the next level
  6. The game ends when a team has hit the stump at the final level
  7. Throws can be underarm or overarm (or you can focus on a particular type of throw)

Teaching Points:

Underarm throws:

  • Grip the ball in the finger tips, not palm
  • Palm faces the target, hand begins at the side of your knee
  • Swing your arm backward in a straight line from the target
  • Swing arm down directly along that line and release when ready
  • Continue the follow through with that arm directly at the target
  • Focus eyes on the target throughout the throw


Cricket stumps

Tennis Balls


Activity 4:


10 mins


  1. Mark out the area that you want to play in. This works best indoors, with walls so that you don't have to fetch the dodgeballs after they're thrown. You need enough room for your number of players to have space to move freely.

  2. Everyone plays as an individual, no teams.

  3. The aim is to eliminate players by hitting them with a dodgeball or catching a dodgeball that is thrown at you.

  4. If a player is eliminated, they 'freeze' by sitting on the floor wherever they got hit.

  5. The player is 'frozen' until the player that got them is out themselves (if you aren't sure who got you because you didn't see who threw it, just have a guess and watch them)

  6. Players cannot move with the ball (you can allow them to have a limited number of steps if you want to)

  7. Players can only have one ball at a time

  8. Players that are frozen cannot hold onto a ball

  9. The game ends if one player eliminates all other players

Teaching Points:


  • Dodgeballs

  • Marker Cones

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