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Defensive Positioning & Teamwork

Defensive Positioning & Teamwork

Players will be able to work together in order to be able to defend effectively as a team. They will be able to understand when their teammates need their help and adapt accordingly.

Activity 1:

Handkerchief Game

15 mins


Teaching Points:


Kabaddi Football

Activity 2:

20 mins


Teaching Points:


Activity 3:

Cone Pick Up Positioning Game - Football

15 mins


  • Split into 2 teams and give each team a colour of bibs to be (eg. Red & Blue)
  • Then place pairs of cones around the pitch (one cone in each pairn should red and one should be blue) in positions. You should have one more pair of cones than players on each team
  • When play starts, the aim of the game is for the ball carrier to pick up their teams cones. Only the person with the ball can pick up a cone.
  • Your team can score when they have picked up a set number of cones decided by the coach (it becomes VERY difficult when you get down to one or two cones)
  • Replace the cones after a goal

Teaching Points:

  • Hold your position on the pitch, don't get sucked into following the ball
  • Keep your composure when receiving the ball near a cone, make sure you get it under control


  • Cones
  • Bibs
  • Footballs

Activity 4:

Football Matches

10 mins


  1. Mark out a football pitch (or pitches) with a relevant size for the number of players per team
  2. Pick your teams
  3. Give teams bibs or a kit etc
  4. Explain the basic rules that they will need to follow
  5. Play
  6. Complete a set of round robin fixtures or similar

Teaching Points:

  • Aim of the game is to work together to get the ball into the opponents goal while keeping it away from your own.
  • Teach children how to restart the game when the ball goes out of play (goal kicks, throw ins, corners etc)






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