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Curved Approach

Curved Approach

Activity 1:

Curved Approach Pick Ups

10 mins


Use cones to mark out a curved line, to represent the sort of angled run you may have to make when fielding in the inner ring fielding positions.


When the ball is hit into the gaps between fielders, the spin on the ball, swerve on the ball, slowing down of the ball in the turf often means that the run you make to the ball will have a curve to it. You will also often have to curve your run as you approach the ball to improve your angle for a pick up and to give you a beter body shape for a powerful throw at the target.


In this drill, the coach rolls the ball into the space beyond the curved line of cones. The fielder, bends their run around the cones and attacks the ball before picking it up and throwing down the stumps ahead of them.

Teaching Points:

  • Approach the ball low
  • Lean into the bend as you curve around it


Cricket Balls, Cones, Cricket Stumps
Curved Run Pick Up

Activity 2:

10 mins


Practice your curved runs. We often have to approach the ball with a slight curve as we approach it for many reasons, such as assessing the spin on the ball, the ball slowing down or going faster than we thought.  

How you move is essential and if done well can mean you access balls when fielding that would’ve otherwise gone past you. Stay low and keep your head leaning toward where you’re aiming to travel to maintain your balance.

Teaching Points:


Cones, Cricket Balls, Stumps

Activity 3:


Teaching Points:


Activity 4:


Teaching Points:


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